will read to you outside in our backyard.
Tuesday June 21, 2011 / 7pm
R. ERICA DOYLE was born in Brooklyn to Trinidadian immigrant parents, and has lived in Washington, DC, Farmington, Connecticut and La Marsa, Tunisia. Her poetry and fiction have appeared Best American Poetry, Our Caribbean: A Gathering of Lesbian and Gay Writing from the Antilles, Callaloo, Ploughshares, Best Black Women's Erotica, Bum Rush the Page, Bloom, and from the Fishouse, among others. She has received grants and awards from the Hurston/Wright Foundation and the Astraea Lesbian Writers Fund, and she was a New York Foundation for the Arts Poetry Fellow. Erica is also a fellow of Cave Canem: A Workshop and Retreat for Black Writers, and her manuscript, proxy, was a finalist for the 2007 Cave Cavem Poetry Prize, selected by Claudia Rankine. Excerpts from proxy were also published as a Belladonna* chapbook. She received her MFA in Poetry from the New School, and lives in New York City, where teaches in the NYC public schools and facilitates Tongues Afire: A Creative Writing Workshop for queer women and trans and gender non-conforming people of color.
DAWN LUNDY MARTIN is the author of DISCIPLINE (Nightboat Books 2011), which was selected by Fanny Howe for the Nightboat Poetry Prize, A Gathering of Matter/A Matter of Gathering (University of Georgia Press 2007), winner of the Cave Cavem Prize; and, The Morning Hour, selected in 2003 by C.D. Wright for the Poetry Society of America's National Chapbook Fellowship. Among her many honors include Massachusetts Cultural Council Artists Grants for Poetry in 2002 and 2006 and the 2008 Academy of American Arts and Sciences May Sarton Prize for Poetry. She is a founding member of the Black Took Collective, a group of experimental black poets; co-editor of a collection of essays, The Fire This Time: Young Activists And The New Feminism (Anchor Books, 2004); and a founder of the Third Wave Foundation in New York, a national young feminist organization. She is an assistant professor of English in the Writing Program at the University of Pittsburgh.
SARAH SARAI’s collection, The Future Is Happy (BlazeVOX [books] was published in 2009. Her chapbook Look Up, Up will be out this summer from Hank’s Loose Gravel Press. Reviewing Happy in American Book Review, Melissa Studdard wrote “Sarai is sexy, funny, philosophical, gracious and irreverent—sometimes all in the same poem, combining the elevated with the lowly, the drab with the lyrical, the complex with the simple.” Poems are forthcoming in EOAGH, Mary, Boston Review, Gargoyle and POOL. Published in Threepenny Review, Mississippi Review, PANK, Eleven Eleven and others. Short stories in South Dakota Review, Fairy Tale Review, Tampa Review, Storyglossia, ragazine and others. She has an M.F.A. in fiction from Sarah Lawrence College, a blog (my3000lovingarms.blogspot
NICOLE TRIGG lives in Brooklyn, binds and repairs books, and co-curates the CROWD reading series. Writing is was or will be featured in Flying Fish, Cap Gun, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Love Among the Ruins, and on the website Ink Node.