
FEBRUARY: Becker, Broder, Fetzer, Weir

First reading of 2009!

Wednesday, February 18 will feature:


LETTERPRESS BROADSIDES by Micah Slawinski Currier of Woodside Press

7 pm / Unnameable Books/ free


PRISCILLA BECKER's first book of poems, Internal West, won The Paris Review book prize, and was published in 2003. Her second book, Stories That Listen, is forthcoming from Fourway. Her poems have appeared in Open City, The Paris Review, Fence, Small Spiral Notebook, Raritan, Verse, American Poetry Review, and The Boston Review; her music reviews in The Nation and Filter magazine; and her essays in Open City and Cabinet magazine. Her essays have also been anthologized by Sarabande, Soft Skull Press, and Anchor Books.

MICHAEL BRODER holds an MFA from New York University and is completing a PhD in Classics from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His poems have appeared in Bloom, Court Green, and Painted Bride Quarterly, among other journals and anthologies. His essay on Sappho is included in My Diva: 65 Gay Men on the Women Who Inspire Them, edited by Michael Montlack and due out from the University of Wisconsin Press this spring.

CHELSEA LEMON FETZER received her MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University. In 2006, she was chosen as second place winner for poetry by the Summer Literary Seminar in Kenya, and in summer 2008 was the John O. Killens Scholar in Fiction for the inaugural Pan African Literary Forum. Her work has appeared in Stone Canoe, Callaloo, and is upcoming in Tin House. She is currently living in Brooklyn and working on her first novel, Rivermaps.

JOHN WEIR is the author of two novels, What I Did Wrong, and the Lambda Award-winning The Irreversible Decline of Eddie Socket. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in Gulf Coast, New South, Tri-Quarterly, Spin, Details, and Rolling Stone, and in various anthologies, including Vital Signs: Essential AIDS Fiction, Between Men: Original Fiction by Today's Best Gay Writers, and the upcoming Between Men 2. He has taught in the MFA Creative Writing programs at Queens College/CUNY and the University of Houston, and he is currently Director of the MA English program at Queens College.